LVMH luxury wines and spirits sales higher than pre-pandemic
The wine and spirits sector of the French concern LVMH recorded a significant increase in sales in the first quarter of 2021. Organic revenues during this period increased by 36%, reaching over EUR 1.5 mln. Compared to the same period in 2019, organic revenue grew by 17%. This means that the...
UK seeks a free trade agreement with India
After Brexit, one of the key tasks of the British administration is supporting its’ most important industries, such as Scotch whisky. The United Kingdom is negotiating a free trade agreement with India, the third largest Scotch whisky export market by volume, to cut 150% customs duty on Scotch...
The market encourages innovation in the whisky industry
As reported by IWSR, changing market forces are encouraging whisky producers to change the way they brand or advertise their products. Increased demand from a rising middle class in markets such as India and China is straining the supply of high-aged whisky. This is a factor prompting producers...
The restoration of Glen Garioch distillery will cost £6 million
Beam Suntory, the owner of the Ardmore, Auchentoshan, Laphroaig, Bowmore and Teacher's Scotch whisky brands, will invest £6 million in the renovation of Glen Garioch Distillery, which will restore traditional production processes and introduce modern technology. The basis of the restoration will...
Japanese Mizunara Oak
Deeply rooted in Japanese history, the Japanese Mizunara Oak has traditionally never been the choice of whisky producers. In recent years, it has become one of the most prestigious types of wood used in the production of casks for aging alcohol, and adding its name to the whisky label can make it...